Create a Screen Saver With Your SecuritySpy Cameras

Want to display your SecuritySpy cameras as a screensaver on your Mac? This tutorial will walk you through the process step by step.

Step 1: Install WebViewScreenSaver

WebViewScreenSaver is a free screensaver that display web pages. The easiest way to install it is to open Terminal (which you’ll find in your /Applications/Utilities folder) and execute the following command:

brew install –cask webviewscreensaver –no-quarantine

Step 2: Set Up SecuritySpy’s Web Server

Before creating your screensaver URL, you’ll need to:

  • Enable SecuritySpy’s web server and set up password protection by adding at least one web account.
  • Find your access URL by clicking the Access Info button under Settings > Web – you’ll see several options like:
    – Same machine:
    – Local network: http://example.local:8000
    – Internet:

Step 3: Create Your Multiplex URL

SecuritySpy’s multiplex web page displays cameras in a grid layout. Here’s how to set it up:

  • Find your camera numbers in the Camera Info window (if you don’t see the camera numbers, click the header bar to show additional columns):
    SecuritySpy Camera Info Window
  • Create an auth parameter from the username and password of a web account (ideally, use an account with live video permissions only). The value of this parameter is the Base64 representation of the string username:password
  • Choose any extra parameters:
    – cropMode: 0 for black bars, 1 to crop, 2 to stretch
    – format: 0 for JPEG (best for local network) or 1 for H.264/H.265 (best for Internet)
    – fps: the frame rate to use; useful to limit server load.

Your final URL will look something like this:


Step 4: Configure Your Screen Saver

Go to System Preferences > Screen Saver, and look for WebViewScreenSaver under the Other section (scroll to the right, and click on it to activate):


Click Options, and enter your multiplex URL. If you have lots of cameras to display, you also have the option of adding multiple URLs to rotate between different camera views.

Step 5: Activate Your Screensaver

You can set up your screensaver to activate:

  • Automatically after a period of inactivity (System Settings > Lock Screen)
  • Manually using a Hot Corner (System Settings > Desktop & Dock).

That’s it! You now have a live security camera display that doubles as your screensaver.

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