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New update plz control fs

edited November 2022 in SecuritySpy

TOP RIGHT CORNER of SS. When in fullscreen and click plz button to expand plz controller, this is how it displays with the new update.


  • I think what we'll have to do is disable the PTZ panel when the window is in full screen mode - it's not designed for this. When in full screen mode, you can control PTZ using keyboard shortcuts (arrow keys or numeric keypad). Or you can hold shift and click on the video image: the further the mouse is from the centre the faster the camera will move in that direction.

  • I love the ptz controller in FS, lol im a very visual oriented type of person when it comes to learning a doing stuff QQ

  • OK, we have made some adjustments to this in the latest beta version of SecuritySpy (5.5.3b1). Now, the PTZ panel will pop up over the top-right corner of the window when in full screen mode, and you can move it wherever you want, where it will stay on top of the video window. Let me know your feedback once you've had a chance to test.

  • This is how the Beta shows the ptz controller after I clicked the ptz button in fullscreen, Yes it was movable like the previous version.

  • That's strange because it's not what I see - for me the panel is completely visible in the top-right of the window. Just to confirm, are you using the green button at the top-left of the window to make it full screen?

  • I double click the camera in a group. Now I dont know if its a window or fullscreen. But i do know that before the new update the ptz controller would pop up properly to the left of the upper right corner.

  • Ill try the green button for fullscreen. And if that works ill just adapt to that. Ill let u know.

  • I think the problem here is that the window isn't actually full screen; it's just very large. So when the PTZ controller pops out, macOS sees that it would be displayed offscreen, and it moves it into this odd position. Yes, if you make the window properly full screen with the green button, then you should not see this problem. Please let me know your testing results.

  • When I click the green button and it goes full screen, the ptz button is actually not even clickable anymore.

  • ok when the camera is in a group and I fullscreen with green button it works as expected.

    But when I have the camera as an individual window it doesn't let me use ptz button.

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