Possible new features?
I’ve been a very happy user of SS for a number of years - currently have 3 systems, all working quite well. But I’ve been upgrading a few things ( new mini, couple new cameras, new router, misc ) and in the process have found a few things I’m wondering if they could be modified?
one is to take advantage of apples password manager so when accessing the system(s) on phone, ipad, atv, etc, you can just do a single log-in to the app, and all associated servers/passwords would auto-load, and even save user and password info when accessing each system.
the next is to allow for a double wide opening as an option in the multi-screen window. I’ve added a couple Reolink 180d cameras, which basically offers the view area of 2 adjoined cameras, so a single camera/view can capture a very wider area, plus only uses one camera license. They work now, but the image is squeezed down in a multi-camera view, but is expanded to its natural resolution when highlighted. If it could somehow be assigned a double-wide spot in multi-camera view, that’d be very nice.
There was something else, but it must have been really minimal as I can’t remember what it was at the moment - 😁