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Webserver customization in SSpy 6.5, the role of index.html

well I finally upgraded my central installation to 6.5, as well as a refurbished M2 Pro mini. This was in part due to still trying to resolve some timeouts with one of those super wide angle cameras... but fello Foura have seen my posts about that.

This version, it's really quite nice. And so is the machine.

I had modified the webserver pages in the 5.5.11 installs ( I have 3 ) to allow for an ad-hoc integration between the various sites. It's rather dorky but easy to drive. The modifications also provide 1-click links to a given sites cams, which is superseded by the cool new web interface.

Has the use of index.html in the app package, and referring to it directly in the URL to get an over-riding index.html in ~/SecuritySpy/Web changed? On the new machine I've updated that directory for the SSpy running user yet I am not served that file.

As part of the upgrade, here's a shot from a newish (test) roof cam. Working towrds a time lapse situation as others here have inspired me


  • That camera will make some nice timelapse videos!

    The new web interface is a complex interplay between HTML, CSS, JavaScript and backend, and as such there is currently no facility to customise it. If we were to allow users to modify the index.html page (or other vital resources such as the main CSS), it would likely break things, either now or in the future. We are considering implementing some sort of limited customisation options, but this would have to be in a very controlled manner with limited scope. We haven't decided whether we'll do this yet - the vast majority of users won't need this, so at this point it seems reasonable to consider this low priority.

  • Camera: I hope so. This is a test deployment. I hope to put up something with more gnarl & ptz - for example some mornings and evenings the lights reflect madly off the San Francisco towers... it's a bit far for this little camera.

    Web Interface. I understand. It was a cool hack while it lasted. I'll just put my own root page 'next' to the per-camera files I've made and provide the link to my crew. I may go old school and iframe your beautiful work in my alternate root.

  • I'm not sure if it helps in your particular case, but SecuritySpy's old web interface is still available at the /legacy subfolder, and if you put your custom files at ~/SecuritySpy/Web/legacy/, they will be available via the legacy interface.

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