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Please test 6.5 beta

edited August 8 in SecuritySpy

Hello all, we have been working on the next update, which includes a bunch of new ONVIF functionality. We have a number of ONVIF cameras here to test with, but there are so many different cameras on the market, with so much variation in terms of supported features and adherence to standards, that it would be very useful if we can get some further testing feedback from users. This will help us to make improvements and to fix any potential problems before releasing the final 6.5 update.

So, for anyone with ONVIF cameras who is willing to help with this, please download the latest beta version of SecuritySpy 6.5, and check the following:

1. Whether you see any problems with your cameras in terms of connection or streaming.

2. There are new imaging controls, available from a new Camera Control window:

Open this window by clicking the button in a video window's title bar, or by right-clicking and selecting "Control Camera", or by holding alt/option on the keyboard and double-clicking a camera's live image.

Not every image function will be available for every camera - if a particular item is greyed out, it means that the camera does not support it. For the functions that are available, please check that they work as expected.

3. The Device settings for ONVIF cameras now allow the selection of encoding parameters: codec, video size, frame rate, and quality:

These items should work as expected for the majority of cameras - just make sure to avoid specifying invalid values (e.g. asking for H.265 when the camera doesn't support it), as this could cause the camera to reject the setting of all encoding parameters.

If everything works as expected, please confirm here, and include the make/model of your camera(s).

If any of the above does not work as expected, please do this:

  • In the Finder, select the "Go to Folder" item in the Go menu
  • Enter "/tmp/ONVIF Logs" and press return
  • Locate the log file for the camera that isn't working correctly, and email it to us along with a detailed description of what you expect to happen vs. what you see happening.

If you need to go back to the previous version for any reason, use the new "Choose Version" button that you'll find in the software update section under Settings > Registration.

Many thanks in advance for your help!


  • Why is the tab called settings when it's preset/patrol functions?

  • Hi @killerdan56 these are all settings/options related to the PTZ control - they aren't control functions themselves. Here you can set preset names, choose which presets to include in auto-patrol, and choose the movement speed and patrol delay. What would you expect this tab to be called instead?

  • presets xD

  • I'm not sure "Presets" is better, because these aren't all preset controls ("PTZ speed"), and also there are other preset controls under the PTZ tab (the buttons 1-10). Probably, simply "PTZ Options" would be the most descriptive, but there isn't enough space for this.

  • Can you make the ptz window be infront of the other windows?

    Also can you make an option for it to auto close after a certain amount of no activity/

  • Good suggestions, thanks.

This discussion has been closed.