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[Feature Request] Mac OS

Would like a new Action item:


this would be used for a fixed spotter ip camera to cause an ptz camera to move one of its presets

would also require probably a setting to tell the ptz to go back to its HOME or PTZ Preset after a certain amount of USER SET SECONDS of trigger inactivity

and maybe a setting to set a fixed ip camera as priority spotter for multi spotter cam instances



  • This can be achieved with a simple AppleScript. Open Script Editor, and enter the following:

    tell application "SecuritySpy"
    	ptz preset1 camera number 0
    	delay 20
    	ptz home camera number 0
    end tell

    Make sure to tweak this to use the correct preset number, delay, and camera number that you want. You can obtain the camera number from the Camera Info window.

    Then, save the script to the ~/SecuritySpy/Scripts folder (i.e. the Scripts folder within the SecuritySpy folder within your user's Home folder). Then, the script will be available as an Action that can be set for the spotter camera, under Preferences > Cameras > Actions.

  • Im asking for a non script, integrated into the action list so other users can take advantage of the option.

    what I wanna use it for, is I see in another forum peeps are using this option to use a fixed cam as a spotter to trigger a ptz to move one of its ptz preset which then triggers the PTZs auto tracking to track the human that's in the ptz view.

  • We may implement this as a built-in function in the future. However, since there's an easy way to do this via AppleScript, and since not too many users need this functionality, it hasn't been high priority for us to add it. We'll consider this for the future.

  • The return to ptz home would have to be based on a number of seconds of no motion/activitiy so it wouldnt return prematurely

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