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Motion Capture -- More granular capture types?

edited June 2014 in SecuritySpy
Just a feature request: I've tried both "Separate Movie Per Event" and "One Movie Per Day", and I'd love to have some option in between, such as "One movie every 6 hours", or "One movie every x hours"…

I'd love to be able to review the day's events when I get home, rather than have to wait the next day, and I'd prefer to review them as one batch, rather than reviewing a couple dozen little movies.

Pretty cool software, though!


  • Thanks for the feature request - we've had this one before a few times so I'll add it to the "to do" list.

    However you don't have to wait until the next day to play the movie. If you use SecuritySpy's Browser feature, or view the movie via the built-in web server, then you can play the movie while it is being captured.

    I find the best way to review motion-detection movies is to use the "separate movie per event" recording option, and video the captured as a grid via the web interface. It looks like this:


    So at one glance you can see what's in each movie, and you can just play the interesting ones with a click of the mouse.

    Hope this helps.
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