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++camerasetup / camerasettings curl POST removes password

edited July 2020 in SecuritySpy
Hi Ben,

I think I've found a bug in 5.2.4b14. It was also in b10 but I don't know if any previous versions had the same problem as I've only just recently tried this command.

I'm using the following curl command to enable/disable a camera:

# Disable
curl -d 'cameraNum=2&camEnabledCheck=0&action=save' 'http://test:pass@'
# Enable
curl -d 'cameraNum=2&camEnabledCheck=1&action=save' 'http://test:pass@'

If I disable and then enable a camera, the password for that camera is removed. The same happens if I use ++camerasetup.

Also, should I be able to use auth with a POST? The following doesn't work for me:

curl -d 'auth=dGVzdDpwYXNz&cameraNum=8&camEnabledCheck=0&action=save' ''



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