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Schedule Offset for Sunset

I am using Actions from Sunset to Sunrise, but I want to offset the sunset by an hour to make sure it is fully dark before arming.

Using Settings>Scheduling>Schedules>Advanced Options….allows sunset offset time to be entered, but “Your location information” shows an incorrect lat/lon upon which sunset is derived. It shows central zone using Chicago with a lat of 41 degrees, but my actual location is Austin, TX with a lat of about 30 degrees.

I have checked my Date&TIme system setting and confirmed that Austin, TX is my location within the central zone.

How do I make SS recognize my actual lat/lon?


  • SecuritySpy uses the system time zone to determine approximate location. This works well in most cases, but can sometimes be a little inaccurate. To make this more accurate, you can provide SecuritySpy with your precise location by adding a special settings file, that I have attached to this message. I have set up the file with the lat/lon for Austin, TX. You'll need to unzip the file and move it into SecuritySpy's Application Support folder, which you can find by opening SecuritySpy and selecting the menu item at File > Open Folder > Application Support.

  • Works great! Thank you for doing that, your application support is top notch!

  • Great to hear that! You are very welcome.

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