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How to delay Actions to keep from constant emails during rain/wind storms?

I am trying to avoid the constant emails from motion activation during rain/wind storms. I had thought going to the camera's "Actions Schedule" menu and selecting unarmed would work, but it hasn't. I also tried going to the "Actions Schedule Overide" menu and selecting "Armed for 6 hours" would stop the emails, but that hasn't worked either.

I've also tried going to the Motion Captures Schedule and selecting Unarmed 24/7 would stop the emails along with the alerts, but that also doesn't work.

How do I temporarily stop the constant alerts and emails during a rain/wind storm?


  • You can temporarily stop the alerts by setting an override for Actions for this particular camera - for example "Unarmed for X hours".

    There are no known issues with this feature - it should just work. Perhaps in the case you are describing there were a few emailed already queued from before you adjusted the schedules. To limit the rate of emails to prevent this situation, go to Settings Cameras Actions, click the Advanced Options button, and increase the reset time. 300 seconds would seem reasonable for you here (in which case emails won't be sent more frequently than once every five minutes).

  • I think after setting the override and then closing the software and opening it up again, it seems to now be stopping the alerts.

    Many thanks for the quick response.

  • Please also consider sharing anonymous images from your cameras by enabling this option in the General settings, as this will help us improve our motion detection algorithms in the future.

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