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Running multiple ‘recorders’ on same set of cameras

Just having a go with the software as would like to switch to using a Mac mini rather than an old PC whirring away in the ‘study’ (spare room…no mahogany drinks cabinet…).

So I still have BlueIris running on a separate PC AND the Mac mini running Spysoft. WILL this cause problems with either software contending for a ‘feed’ from the cameras ? (4 external Foscam cameras, 2 WiFi, 2 Ethernet via powerline Ethernet).

I’m definitely getting more ‘no signal’ than I have experienced before and, logically, I guess if one bit of software is interrogating the camera and another is as well….there might be issues.

About to leave house for a week and probably need to grow a pair and turn OFF the BlueIris and PC when I get back and run SecuritySpy on its own.

Sorry for the newbie question.


  • BenBen
    edited January 17

    It's a perfectly valid question! The answer is "it depends". Some cameras are perfectly capable of sending many simultaneous streams without issues, while other cameras may struggle. With a modern camera from a good brand you shouldn't have any issues, especially if the camera is set to a moderate frame rate (like 10fps), but with an older or low-cost camera with potentially much less processing capacity, you may see issues.

    The other consideration is network bandwidth: a camera sending two streams uses twice the network bandwidth compared with sending a single stream. This is unlikely to be an issue over Ethernet, but can certainly be an issue over WiFi.

    From the description of your system, which includes some low-cost cameras over WiFi, it's certainly possible that multiple streams could cause problem. If you can connect those two WiFi cameras by Ethernet instead that would be ideal, although I understand that this is not always practical. Reducing camera frame rates may also help. Or retiring your PC :)

  • Let’s hope Spysoft is up to the job during my trial then ;) In all seriousness, I’ll turn the PC off when I get home and run Spysoft for a good week and make my comparisons. Thanks for quick answer

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