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Feature request: "Last 24 hrs"

It would be great if there was a last 24hrs option in the date selector, currently I have to look at the prior day and then switch to today to get the midnight to morning recordings.


  • Are you referring to the web interface? in the next update, you will be able to select a date range, so this should allow you to achieve something very similar to what you describe (this function is available for testing in the latest beta version of SecuritySpy).

    If you are instead referring to the Browser feature, this is based strictly on whole-day periods and it's unlikely that we will change this in the foreseeable future - the implementation is complex (especially to allow synchronised multi-camera playback), and major changes would be difficult.

  • Web it great and I just installed the update. Being able to select a range is great, If I could set the default to be yesterday and today that would be perfect

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