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Is there a way to turn audio recording off on a schedule or programmatically?

I have a camera in a room where sensitive information is discussed during the day, so I want to have something that automatically turns the audio recording off Mon-Thu, 9-5 for one specific camera, for instance, while leaving the video recording going. Is there any way to accomplish this?


  • This can be achieved via scheduled shell commands that adjust this camera's settings. Here's a command that turns off audio for a camera:

    curl -d 'cameraNum=13&audioDevice=x' http://user:pass@

    And here's one that turns it on (setting the device to "this network device"):

    curl -d 'cameraNum=13&audioDevice=n' http://user:pass@

    Obtain the excellent scheduling utility Lingon, and create schedules for each shell command at the times of day that you want them to be invoked, making the following checks/edits:

    • SecuritySpy's HTTP web server must be enabled
    • The above assumes SecuritySpy's standard HTTP port of 8000
    • Substitute in the actual username/password of an administrator web account
    • Substitute in the actual camera number (which can be obtained from the Camera Info window)
    • The above assumes that the scripts will be run on the same Mac as SecuritySpy (hence the address of which means "this machine").
  • Thanks! I knew you would have a way to do it. And I use Lingon for a ton of stuff, great recommendation.

    This does work great, but is there any way to allow doing this for a camera without being a full administrator? I don't like putting the administrator password in the clear like that.

  • SecuritySpy used to have a per-camera permission option to set camera settings, but this was removed with the v6 update in our general effort to streamline the plethora of settings. However, I can see that it is actually a useful option for exactly the use case that we are discussing here, and it should have been retained. Therefore, we have now reinstated this option in the latest beta version of SecuritySpy. Install the beta, create a new account for just the above purpose, and update your shell commands with this new account. Give the account access to set camera settings for this one camera only.

    Please confirm that this works as expected after you've had a chance to test.

  • It works exactly as advertised! Thank you once again. Amazing turnaround.

  • Great to hear that!

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