Video thumbnails only display 1 of possibly multiple objects detected.
Hi Ben, I wanted to know when the mailman came by my house, but their truck was not in any thumbnails. I had to watch all the videos in order to find their truck. This was because just before they came by, a different vehicle went by, which was used for the thumbnail. If both vehicles are part of a video, only the first vehicle will show as a thumbnail. This means you can't reliably search for something by looking at thumbnails. Would be nice if we could get a thumbnail for each object type detected within the same video.
You are correct that the thumbnail shows only the first detection of the wanted object (e.g. if you view all vehicles via the Browser or web interface, the vehicles returned will be the first vehicle detected in that particular event).
The enhancement you suggest is a good idea, however it is not possible at this time. While SecuritySpy's vehicle detector is very accurate in identifying vehicles (about 99%), it can't tell the difference between different vehicles, so it can't tell the difference between the same vehicle causing detections throughout one event vs. two different vehicles sequentially causing detections throughout one event.
This will be something we look at in the future as we enhance our AI object detection.