Feature request: Image Zoom
As more and more cheap, fixed-lens 2K and 4K cameras with ridiculously wide fields of view are on the market, I find that I often want to be able to zoom in on the shot more for viewing in the Cameras window. Perhaps an additional "transformation" in setup that allows a zoom? Easy way... a 1920x1080 center crop; or maybe more challenging... perhaps a 16:9 box that can be set within the field of view.
SecuritySpy already has this feature, as described in the manual under video windows:
"SecuritySpy offers digital Pan/Tilt/Zoom control for any camera in any video window: hold the Command key (⌘) on your keyboard and scroll up or down on your mouse or trackpad (on a trackpad, use the two-finger gesture to scroll). Once zoomed in, release the Command key and scroll in any direction to pan around the image."
However note that this function is designed for temporary use. To avoid the user zooming in, forgetting the image is zoomed, and subsequently missing some activity that is outside the viewing area, the view will revert back to the full image after a period of inactivity.
I use the iOS app to run on an M2 Mac (no trackpad) and it works very well. Could some or all of the features you refer to be enabled in that version?
When viewing a camera's live video in the iOS app (not the array of multiple cameras - one single camera, after you tap on it), you can zoom/pan around the image using standard pinch gestures on the device's screen. When running this app on an Apple Silicon MacBook, I believe you will be able to do the same thing on the MacBook's touchpad. But if this is a Mac without a touchpad, then I'm not sure if this function is available - perhaps not.
We won't be adding features to the iOS app specifically to enhance its functionality on Macs, since there are other options for viewing on Macs that are specifically designed for this (web interface, another copy of SecuritySpy, ViewCam). Our iOS app is designed specifically for iOS devices - it's just a nice perk that Apple has made iOS apps also run on Macs!