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Home Assistant HACS Security Spy integration abandoned

edited September 2024 in Home automation

I'm sort of late to this news, but in the Briis integration has been abandoned

Github -

"This Integration will no longer be maintained

I did give it a try, but I simply don't have the resources to maintain this integration anymore, and therefore I will remove it from the default HACS store. I will leave the Github Repository open, and I hope that someone else will be able to take it over."

too bad, I've been running it for a couple of years and it seemed fine.

my hunch is that HA is moving so quickly the overhead of chasing dependencies became too much for Briis.

SSpy automator perns, any thoughts on this?


  • Oh no. :(

    I do tons of stuff in Home Assistant with events from Security Spy via this integration.

  • This certainly is a shame, but we're grateful to Briis for creating this and maintaining this project for as long as he has done!

    Although it's not quite as comprehensive, an alternative for Home Assistant users is the the HomeKit Bridge integration. While this doesn't support camera feeds, it does make all HA accessories available to HomeKit, and therefore accessible to SecuritySpy via its Home integration. This allows SecuritySpy to control HA accessories in response to motion detection, and also allows HA accessories to trigger recording or Schedule Presets in SecuritySpy.

  • I stopped using it for my use-case beause only events were need. I use Node-RED to subscribe to events, then send them to home assistant via MQTT. I can probably turn it into a re-useable subflow if interested.

  • @luqman I'd be interested in seeing how you have that working.

    For what it's worth, at the moment I'm mostly doing things like sending notifications when a person is detected – attached is an example automation. I have plans to do some more involved things, but they are still mostly iterations on: if person is detected, then do something.


  • I will publish it over the weekend, just need to test the sub-flow more/make it configurable, maybe write some docs. I always find it interesting looking at other automations, what are you trying to do with that template or overall automation goal?

    This is what Node-Red outputs from Security Spy API via sub-flow; you can use it to create sensors/automations in Node-RED or send data directly to HA. It also re-connects after failure.



    File Written

    {"time":"20240928132647","number":"10","camera":"4","event":"FILE","info":"/Volumes/Storage/Security Spy/CameraX/{date}.mov"}





    Motion End




  • what are you trying to do with that template or overall automation goal?

    Basically just get a notification (with a still photo attached) when someone is at the front door.

    The And if timestamp thing just keeps it from firing off dozens of notifications, because the event constantly fires while a human is detected.

    The delay gives the person time to get fully in the frame – otherwise I end up with a photo of feet at the top of the frame.

    It's likely there is a better way to do this – I'm not a programmer or a Home Assistant expert!

  • got you, yeh can be bit simpler, so many ways to do things in HA i guess.

    I use a Timer Helper instead; if motion is detected and timer is inactive, send notification then start timer (15 seconds), if another motion event happens because timer is active nothing happens.

    I've released Node-RED Subflow example flow using it here hopefully this helps someone

    I'd recommend watching videos on youtube if new to Node-RED.

    If you install Node-RED add-on via HA I believe it comes installed with but it requires you to install

    Node-RED is defo more complicated so I would recommened staying with existing solution until it breaks, maybe someone might take ownership of it.

    @Ben wondering if it might a good idea to expose camera num on GUI or maybe even allow for unique id to be set that gets used instead of number? I had 4 cameras setup, currently down to 2, one is #0, the other #4, right now only way to see it is via API.

  • Thanks, I will take a look @luqman . I am wondering how you did the keep-alive parsing on the stream, and I've had issues with that. For a quick hack I 'system out' to curl ! LOL

    but then I parse into MQTT. it so ugly tho.

    My node-red is in an LXC under proxmox, I'll review your dependencies.

    note: I believe the camera numbers are visible in the Camera Info window. you may have to click in the row containing the column headers and enable it. At least taht's what I've done. here is an example

  • @caseyd you are correct, I've very rarely used that view, could do with it being on the web ui is well.

    Hmm not sure what keep-alive issue you were having, unless you mean built-in http request node? that will not work.

    My Sub-flow uses a function node with custom javascript using builtin url module so no external dependencies. I've been running it for like a year or so without issues (before converting to sub-flow), only going down during upgrades and auto re-connecting.

  • Unfortunately the latest version of HA breaks the SS integration as I have the same problem as described here:

  • Ah, it must have been a HA problem because 2024.10.3 fixed the issue and so the SS integration is working again!

  • It looks like with HASS core version 2025.1.4, the SecuritySpy repository is finally being removed from HACS.

    This is really unfortunate.

    Honestly, working Home Assistant integration is so important to me, I'm actually considering going back to Blue Iris (sigh)

  • It looks like with HASS core version 2025.1.4, the SecuritySpy repository is finally being removed from HACS.

    Pardon my ignorance, but does that mean our existing SecuritySpy integrations will stop working? Or just that it won't be available from HACS for new downloads?

  • edited January 25

    Pardon my ignorance, but does that mean our existing SecuritySpy integrations will stop working? Or just that it won't be available from HACS for new downloads?

    It looks like the repository is still available, just removed from HACS default repositories.

    You should be able to add "" manual to hack and install it that way for now.

    No idea how long until it breaks due to changes in HASS or HACS though and at that point it's dead in the water, since no-one is maintaining it.

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