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Selecting a different location for the UNF file than the finished M4V file

I am using Google Drive to sync my CCTV capture files to the Google Cloud. SecuritySpy turns the UNF file into a finished M4V file every hour. Unfortunately while SecuritySpy is continuously recording the UNF file, Google Drive is continuously uploading it.

Is there a way of getting SecuritySpy to hold the UNF files in a different directory to the finished M4V file. This way, during the capture Google Drive would not be syncing the UNF file and would only sync when the file has processed and been put in place in the folder selected for syncing two Google?


  • BenBen
    edited August 16

    There isn't really a built-in way to do this I'm afraid. SecuritySpy does have a function whereby it can run a script for every file that finishes - this can be used to move the file to a different location (i.e. into the Google Cloud directory in this case). However, this would move it away from the folder that SecuritySpy controls, so then the file would not be available for playback in SecuritySpy (via the web interface or Browser). If this still sounds like a good solution for you, let me know and I can elaborate.

  • edited August 17

    Can the script be made to copy the completed files to a different location rather than moving them there?

    That way you keep the original where SS can see it and use it, get a copy to Google Cloud and the unf file isn't sending data to Google Cloud as it writes.

  • You could also use a utility like Hazel to copy completed files to a nominated directory if SS doesnt do it natively

  • See the "ProcessCapturedFile" example at the bottom of the SecuritySpy AppleScript Examples page. When installed into the SecuritySpy folder (within your Home folder), this script will be invoked for all files that are created (when finished - i.e. when they change from .unf to .m4v). You can use the "move" AppleScript command to move the file to another directory, or the "duplicate" command to copy it.

    Example commands:

    tell application "Finder"
      move file filePath to folder "/path/to/dst/folder"
    end tell
    tell application "Finder"
      duplicate file filePath to folder "/path/to/dst/folder"
    end tell
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