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60 min capture file shows to be ca. 90min "long"

Every 60min file created by continuous capturing seems to be longer than the 60 min - it shows about 90min.

Is this because of the different rates, can I adjust this or is this just a bug?


  • Have you specified a playback rate for these files, under Settings > Cameras > Continuous Capture? If so, then the files will not be real time, so this is one thing that could explain the issue. The other thing to check is that you are using the latest version of SecuritySpy (currently 6.4). If this doesn't fix/explain the issue, please email us and include a debug file (SecuritySpy menu > Debug > Create Debug File On Desktop) and we'll assist you directly with this.

  • Hi, thank you. This was the reason for this issue. Now is working perfectly.

  • Great to hear that.

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