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Audio detection

I see there's a threshold for audio detection, but I have never seen a saved event for an audio detection alert. I read the manual which is pretty sparse on the topic. Just getting interested in exploring this.

Here's the why: we have a couple big dogs who roam our large property at night making sure the bears and coyotes and raccoons don't kill us in our sleep (that's what they think, not us).

Using Frigate, I can detect dogs barking and create an event from that which can be reviewed in the AM to see if the dogs got any action overnight.

I am wondering if I can use an audio trigger in SS to avoid having to deal with the Frigate interface. Or, even better, if Frigate audio detection could send a webhook to SS telling it to create an event on X camera and record video (starting at -5 seconds ago) and mark it as an audio event for me to review the next morning.

Just like to keep tabs on what the dogs are doing and also very cool to spot black bears on cameras. Sometimes the black fur in the dark doesn't trigger motion/AI but if you review the footage with your eyes you can make out the animal. An audio alert would help mark these points in time for manual review.


  • Still curious about the audio detection feature in general if anyone uses it.

  • This certainly sounds like a good use case for audio detection. The main thing to check is that audio has been added as a trigger for Motion Capture for this camera, under Settings > Cameras > Triggers. Here's a screenshot to demonstrate:

    Make sure also that Motion Capture mode is armed on a suitable schedule (e.g. "Armed 24/7").

    Then it's a case of adjusting the audio threshold upwards or downwards if it turns out you get too many/few detections with the default level (this setting is under "Advanced Options" in the window above).

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