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SecuritySpy Version 6 running on Mojave


I'm currently running SecuritySpy 5 on an Intel MacMini with OSMojave 10.15.6, and that works fine.

In the months ahead I plan to upgrade to an M2 (or maybe an M3, if available in the near future) MacMini, but that will be a few months out from now.

In the meantime... if I upgrade to SecuritySpy 6 now, will it run OK on my current Intel MacMini running OSMojave 10.15.6?

I'd really like to keep the transition as simple as possible, not wanting to update from Mojave to Sonoma on the Intel Mini as right now everything (including Indigo software) is working great, and not wanting to deal with issues that might come up. Thanks for your thoughts!


  • Yes - you will able to upgrade now and keep your current hardware. The system requirements for SecuritySpy 6 are the same for those of version 5, and if anything, version 6 should run more smoothly due to its multiple performance improvements. I would recommend simply installing it now so that you can test it to make sure everything runs well. In the unlikely event of any problems, you will be able to easily revert to version 5 using the option for this under Settings > Registration in the new software.

  • edited March 2024

    Thanks, Ben. Appreciate it! A couple of more questions, if I may...

    If I take advantage of the 30 day free trial before March 31 to make sure SecuritySpy 6 works OK on my setup, and then purchase a week or two later in April, will I still be able to use the 33% discount?

    Regarding my current setup, which is a headless Intel MacMini in a closet that I ScreenShare into over WiFI with my Mac Laptop to control (run and setup apps, etc) the MacMini... will I still be able to do that with SecuritySpy 6? Or, should I plug my Mac laptop into the MacMini directly to control? Or... will I need to get a display and keyboard to directly control the MacMini?

    Any other tips for making the transition?

    Thanks in advance for your help/suggestions!

  • The 33% offer officially ends at the end of this month, but we're going to be a bit flexible about this - if a user just misses out on the upgrade for some reason, if it's only a week or two later, email us and we'll provide a special payment link. I think two weeks is probably the longest time we'll accommodate these requests for.

    You will be able to control your Mac mini in exactly the same way as before. And, for controlling/adjusting SecuritySpy itself, you will have an additional method to do this with SecuritySpy version 6, because its new web interface gives you access to all settings.

    In general, when you install SecuritySpy 6 on top of a previous version 5 installation, all settings are retained and everything should work as before, just with the additional new features of version 6. In the unlikely event of anything going wrong, there is an option in the new software under Settings > Registration to revert to version 5.

  • Thanks, Ben.

    I went ahead and purchased 6.1.

    In the Check for Update option in my current SS v5, I get this:

    I guess that means I need to download and run v6.1 from your site. If I do that, and enter my username and code, will v6.1 automatically find and use my latest settings from v5?

    I think that's what you're saying above, but just want to check first. Thanks again!

  • Hi @citysnaps, thanks for purchasing! The updater in SecuritySpy 5 will first offer you any available version 5 updates. Once you are on the latest v5 version (which is currently v5.5.11), it will then offer to install version 6 for you.

    Alternatively, you can download and install version 6 manually from the SecuritySpy download page.

    When you install version 6, it will pull in all settings from version 5, and should also automatically register itself with your new v6 license.

  • Thanks, Ben!

  • Ben...

    Just wanted to report back that the update to 6.1 went very smooth yesterday.

    Have to admit I was nervous messing with my system that's been working fine, but with an older OS and MacMini, and not tending to it over the last four years (and not wanting to disturb that). My camera integration with Indigo automation software is still working well, too.

    Camera video is much smoother. A big plus. Next up is moving to an M2 or M3 MacMini in a couple months.

    I do have a question... I installed SS 6.1 on my Mac laptop for view-only use on my local network. And that works great. I did notice when SS boots up on my laptop, there's a momentary message that says "Trial period ends in 30 says." Do I need to worry about that?

    Thanks again!

  • Hi @citysnaps, great to hear the upgrade went smoothly!

    On your laptop you don't need to take any action. Because you installed the new version, the 30-day trial period has been reset, but when that ends it will still function for the purposes of viewing live video from your main SecuritySpy server.

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