Using a Mac connected to a 4k TV as the monitor
in SecuritySpy
I have been watching you tube videos and I feel like this should be ok but does it sound ok for me to replace my iMac showing my SS system cameras with a 4k TV so I can go bigger and wall mount. It is not like we are up close looking I can have SS run on the external monitor being the 4K TV it seems like a good idea and then in the future I can retire the iMac and replace it with a Mac mini in the cabinet below. Anybody displaying there cameras on a TV connected MAC my only thing is thinking if I get a decent 4K TV as long as it has decent motion flow and I enable game mode to increase latency I should be ok?
We use a 48 inch LG IPS TV as the monitor for Mac Mini M2 Pro as our SS machine for a couple years now. Works great in the kitchen and much easier to see than comparatively tiny screen of our old iMacs or LCD "monitors". Comparable size monitors were too much cost/screen size. LG TV was well priced and definitely good enough resolution at our 2.5 meter viewing distance. Be sure to set 60 Hz refresh on display settings. Gaming mode does reduce latency.
Tried an VN paneled TV, but the viewing angle was insufficient. IPS got us enough viewing angle, albeit at the cost of less max contrast. OLED wasn't considered due to the TV needing to run SS display window 24/7
Thats great thanks @guykuo have you had any trouble with burn in on the screen?
Not really much issue with burn in on the IPS panel. After two years of continuous 24/7 display of SS windows, there are some very mild, horizontal dark lines that correspond to where the SS display has black bars. This is the opposite of burn-in which I would expect to create brighter bars where SS has black in its display. It is likely just image retention. Mind you, ours is an IPS panel, not an OLED.
I stand corrected, it is actually a 50 inch LG TV, not 48.
Those faint, dark lines I noticed on our TV that has been showing SS windows 24/7 for two years.....
Ran the Pixel Clean LCD pattern in my pattern generator for several hours. The persistence lines are gone. It works on LCD panels that have persistent image retention, but not on burn-in of course.
Beware that the pattern rapidly flashes the pixels on/off and should not be viewed by epileptics. Wife put a sheet in front of TV to avoid watching the flashing.