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Copy Image / Save to Photos

edited September 2023 in ViewCam


I think this is a simple, request...? In ViewCam, with a single camera open, I can Control-Click the view and the options are:

Save Image...

Configure Settings...

Open Device Web Interface...


Zoom In

Zoom Out

I would love it if "Copy Image" was an option.

Often I find myself wanting to send a quick image by text or email or something, but I don't necessarily want to go to the trouble of creating that image file in my system, if I don't need to maintain a local copy, to then just attach to the text thread or email, and then delete.

Additionally, a Save to Photos would also be great, though I think that would need the user to confirm and approve access to the Photo Library. But that'd be handy, too, because that's where I keep my photos anyway, if I DO want to keep a local copy. So saving the file still results in the next step of then importing it into Photos.

Unless I'm missing something, which is entirely possible, one or both of these options could save a number of steps when you just want to send a quick stream image to someone.



  • Is the viewcam camera view not like securityspys? Where you can drag the image out of the view to copy it into another app/window?

  • On Sonoma, drag&drop the jpeg freezes Viewcam.

  • That may work, I’ll try it, but I think it should still be in the Control-Click menu, since that menu already exists and has similar options in it anyway.

    I have multiple monitors, and click-and-drag from one monitor, all the way across a 2nd monitor into the 3rd is… not ideal. haha

  • Thanks for the suggestion, I think this is a good idea, we'll see if we can add this in a future update.

  • Awesome! Thanks.

  • Version 5.5.9 - 26 October 2023

    • New "Copy Image" contextual menu item


    I'm not young, and I have been using computers since I was, and I've never met a developer as approachable and responsive as Ben.

    Thanks for the update!

  • Just realized, which I am constantly forgetting, that it is ViewCam that I use on a day-to-day basis, not SecuritySpy...

    The main SS software runs on my servers, but I watch my cameras on my computer in VC.

    If this feature might be able to be added in VC the next time you're working on it, that would be incredible! haha

  • Thanks @keness! Yes, this feature will also make its way into ViewCam in the next update :)

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