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https no workie : ( log says : "Failed to set up SSL. Keychain item not found". ??

edited June 2021 in SecuritySpy
Any ideas how to fix this? it was working fine till today.. of course I'm running the b10 beta though...

06/28/2021 18:36:48: Error setting up SSL for secure web access. 5.3.4b10,190,-25300 Failed to set up SSL. Keychain item not found.


  • That's one we haven't seen before! Nothing relevant should have changed in the beta to cause this. Could you please try a reboot of your Mac?
  • I checked the release version and I'm apparently broken for SSL/TLS on both versions now. So the problem is on my install. I recently messed with attempting to enable a cert for my site in order to view my camera feeds through another https iFrame (via HassIO) , so I installed some software to do that which failed anyway.. including CertBot + some required software. Seems this broke my SSL in SecuritySpy. Any idea how to get the error above to resolve and put what's needed by SecuritySpy back in my keychain ?
  • specifically I tried to follow this : but it failed and I never got my cert : ( Now my ssl is broken on my Mac mini for SecuritySpy
  • You don't need to use CertBot - SecuritySpy will automatically create an official "Let's Encrypt" certificate for you. The only thing you have to do is set up a domain name in SecuritySpy and it does the rest automatically.

    The first thing to check is that there are no key or certificate files in the SecuritySpy folder within your Home folder. If so, remove these and restart SecuritySpy.

    If that doesn't work, then it sounds like a macOS reinstall could be the best way to proceed here.
  • edited July 2021
    For what it's worth, I ran into this problem also and had to recreate (that is, buy again, new CSR, etc) and reinstall the newly purchased certificate, which solved the problem. I think I had previously installed an expired or very old certificate.
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